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St Anne's Music and Arts Festival



New Blog link for Art part of the 2015 festival


2016 Art Festival     Art in Unusual Spaces
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I am involved with the St. Anne's Music and Arts Festival (now 4 years running). It is a community festival which results in Artists exhibitions and events around the town. I organise the Art and Artists side of things, ensuring as many local Artists, Photographers and Creatives get their work seen and that they can be part of an Arts event. For some it is their first taste of exhibiting, for others it is a chance to get their recent professional work seen.

I love the diversity and challenge of bringing everyone together, to create a cohesive exhibition. Sometimes the exhibition sites are sporadic around the town, spanning several roads, which in itself adds an extra challenge - othertimes it can be more intimate, with a couple of juxtaposing venues, giving a totally different display.

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